Understand from our organizers that we already have obtained more than 70 ex-school mates signing up as at today but the organizers are not stopping at all and stepping up effort to push for a target of 100s. Their effort is really noble, laudable and respectable.
If you are still hesitating due to expected busy work schedule which is understandable, but this is only once in a life time 30th school reunion dinner and also a chance to catch up with close friends of whom we have not met for years .
So, pick up your phone now and call our "Great Leaders" before the reunion dinner registration is fully closed:
1). Mr. Lew Keng Sang Tel: 012-298-3301
2). Mr. Tan Kim Seng Tel: 012-2383388
3). Mr. Wong Tiang Sang Tel: 016-227-2334
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