Friday, April 24, 2009

尊孔国中校友联谊会 星期天 6月28日 10.00时

Dear All,

"Class of 1978" (yes, us) has been duly called upon to help out to contribute at least 30 tickets of RM50 each for this special occasion on Sunday June 28, 2009 starting at 10:00 am. You may still help out even if you are not available on that day by buying at least ONE ticket (RM50 only) to show our loves to the School and we do care.

I am very pleased to say that we have immediate confirmation from Mr. Lew Keng Sang, Mr. Wong Tian Sang, Mr. Tan Kim Sing, and Mr. Alvin Ng Chun Kooi joining myself for the said commitment.

Please respond to this call immediate by contacting either myself (, Keng Sang or Tian Sang
before May 31, 2009 for us to notify the organizing committee.

Your contribution
to our school regardless of how small the amount, is much appreciated. Many thanks!


蔡文德 012-2890032 or use the link below to access for more information:

p/s: Need to clarify that I am neither a member of the school board nor a member of the organizing committees of the school as I am only trying to help out on the communication thru this blog.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Back to School and Reunion Lunch / [情牵尊孔 心系吾校] 校友回校日

Dear All,

I have been informed by one of the Organizing Committee Members that there will be a "Back to School and Reunion Lunch / [情牵尊孔 心系吾校] 校友回校日" to be held on June 28, 2009. Ticket for the lunch is available at Rm50.00 each. In addition, free tickets will be given to those who sponsor the Event (征求‘校友回校日’赞助者 - more details is to be provided upon request).

Let's show our full support by helping the Organizing Committee to make the Event a big success and also a memorable one.

Please feel free to contact the following committee members if you wish to know more, to purchase tickets, or to sponsor the Event in the form of donation:.


1.学校董事会秘书处 012-2825078 (劳老师)
2.学校办公室 03-20783364
3.本校卢月香校长 019-6100600
4.尊孔小学李宗伦校长 016-9020606, 03-79835890

1.关锦胜 012-6517749
2.蔡文德 012-2890032
3.许镜浩 012-3828667
5.林云月 012-3758388
6.刘炳星 012-2363012
7.罗敏莱 012-2212025
9.梁绍雄 012-2077612
10.杨国华 018-3002227
11.赵令雄 012-6892674

Please let me know if there is any further clarification required.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Share your feeling!!

We are grateful to the committee members who have successfully organized this wonderful event for us. On behalf of Class-1978, thanks much for their time, effort and patience. Kudos to you all!

If you'd like to add a short note, poet or even better an article (in either English, Bahasa or Mandarin) to share your feeling about the the 30th Reunion, please send it to me by email thru for me to post it for you!

Hey, why don't we start with Kim Sing, Yee Lan, Ko Wai Ming, Tian Sang, Boong Ching, Keng Sang, Micheal Hah, and Yee Woon - Would you guys like to take the lead on this?

Cheers & rgds